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What is blockchain technology, and how does it work?

How does blockchain technology work? Blockchain is a distributed, peer-to-peer transaction ledger. It is not owned or managed by a single central entity; rather, it is owned and governed by the individuals who use the network. The blockchain network leverages the nodes in the network to authenticate transactions.

Is cryptocurrency dead for good?

“Cryptocurrency is nowhere near dead," according to Ceek VR CEO and founder Mary Spio. "It’s just scratching the tip of the iceberg toward mainstream adoption, when companies offer purposeful real-life value and integration of cryptocurrencies, we will begin to see the next wave and resurgence of cryptocurrency.

How to explain blockchain?

There are three reasons why you need to know about Blockchain: Blockchain technology doesn't have to exist publicly. ... Block-chain technology is broader than finance. ... The exponential and disruptive growth of Blockchain will come from the convergence of public and private Blockchains to an ecosystem where firms, customers and suppliers can collaborate in a secure, ...

What is the point of cryptocurrency?

The main point of cryptocurrency is to fix the problems of traditional currencies by putting the power and responsibility in the currency holders’ hands. All of the cryptocurrencies adhere to the 5 properties and 3 functions of money. They each also attempt to solve one or more real-world problems.

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